We already have everything we need. We cling to out identities of jealousy, anger and addictions. They are like clouds blocking the sun, all the time the warmth and brilliance is right there. We don’t need to change, just be who you are, just look at yourself differently.
All parts of our personality, no matter how perfectly formed, only enclose what is inside of us. All our practice binds us into a cohesive whole, but only points to the emptiness in the center that gives us the space and openness for life experiences to enter.
We live by rules and a way of living that has been given to us by our parents and institutions. We have the power to transcend these entrapments for an alternate way of life. We can live in a world of love, respect and beauty by just giving up our addictions taught to us by others.
To resolve any conflict, sit down with your adversary face to face. Generally, dispute arises from not having the flexibility in considering the others opinion. Whether you win or lose is not enjoyable, its better to solve the dispute before it goes too far, usually by meeting your opponent halfway.
Quote: Never do anything against your conscience, even if the state demands it. —Einstein