When we feel inadequate or unworthy, we want to hold on to what we have, and are afraid of feeling worse than we do already. The cause of our aggression and fear begins to dissolve when we move past this poverty of holding on to things, both physical and mentally.
Manure is an excellent way to feed plants. If we understand the importance of manure, we realize nothing in life is wasted, everything is useful if correctly applied. Therefore, even the bad things in life become fertilizer that will help us grow and become strong.
Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom. When you master yourself, you do not have to master others. When you know you have enough, then you are truly wealthy. Find your roots and nourish them and you will know longevity.
Be cautious and reserved when you are a stranger, not gruff or overbearing, this way you will be accepted. When in a strange place, if you are obliging towards others and, at the same time being upright and steadfast, associating only with good people, you will have success.
Quote: There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton