Look for the gaps, that space between thoughts, the natural occurrence after an unexpected noise, shock or moment of awe. Just being present like this introduces you to unshakable confidence, one that refuses to buy into negative story lines. Take time to pause before you react. It works.
We cannot abandon creative expression in our daily lives even though it seems hard to come up with something new. Today we are free to communicate with our inner callings, go deep within to find the expression and creation of something new.
To be the best leader keep your words in harmony with your actions. This way, those you lead will feel they have done the work themselves; they will be hardly aware that you exist. If you don’t trust people, you make them untrustworthy.
Growth does not need to mean that size changes: when we learn to unlearn what no longer serves us, we may even get smaller and better. Do more with less and yet hold more in our grasp. Our job is to give these gains value, and not merely learn they are there.
Quote: If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.