Do not shut anyone out of your heart and don’t make the other into an opponent. When we open our hearts, we can’t make things completely right or wrong anymore. Trying to find absolute rights and wrongs is a trick we play on ourselves to feel secure and comfortable.
Accept others in spite of their inherent shortcomings and insecurities. Accepting all others is being more patient, selfless, generous, and kind and considering others to be as important as yourself, you find a transcendence and a unity that is unattainable alone.
To cleanse oneself of contaminations, such as anger or self-absorption, practice undiscriminating virtue. To practice virtue, give without limitations, without prejudice, and without expectations. If your willingness to give is limited, so is your ability to receive.
When the good elements of a society are in control, the evil elements come under their influence and change for the better. When the good spirit rules in man, his animal nature also comes under the influence and takes its appropriate place.
Quote: To break a habit, you have to be aware of it, motivated to change, and have a strategy to replace it.