We have been sending out the daily posts for one year! Today we have a special video for you to watch in place of the reading:
Our goal over the past year has been to bring you the ancient teachings as we interpret them, via daily posts, articles and videos, all on our website Proceeding Until Apprehended.
Every week we have been sending our version of one of the I Ching’s 64 verses or hexagrams to help you further understand the teachings.
In the coming weeks we are planning to offer you a means to answer any question you may have by using the same system the rulers and sages of old used to answer their questions (such as what to do in case of conflict or major problems). This method is still used today by leaders around the world, particularly those of China. It will be simple to use but will give you those answers to questions that are troubling you or just for advice on what to do in a situation, as it did for the ancients.
All photos, videos and music compositions are by Renaken.