Letting go of your security may seem uncomfortable and frightening, but it gives you a chance to see the world as it is. Be inquisitive about the unknown and the unanswerable question of what comes next because this awakens your own wisdom mind.
We do not have enough peace, give up all arbitrary actions, this will give you room to feel the more subtle currents of life. One should avoid the mistake of random action. Give up all unnecessary activity, make yourself receptive and the peace you seek shall be at hand.
Can you let go of dualities and embrace life without skepticism or panic? Then you will be able to reach the heart of oneness. The feeling of oneness is not something special, it is beyond that; it is simply the direct essential complete truth.
The meaning of excess is going beyond the middle way. Generally, insufficiency is better than excess. Be steadfast and upright to accomplish little affairs, then little affairs will become great. When meeting someone, exercise self restraint guard against going too far.
Quote: When there is opposition remain empty and open, clear and calm, and then it disappears.