When we feel inadequate or unworthy, we want to hold on to what we have, afraid of feeling worse than we do already. The cause of our aggression and fear begins to dissolve when we move past this poverty of holding on to things, both physical and mentally.
There is great comfort in growing plants, it brings you close to the earth, nature, and the seasons. Whether it is just a few plants in your home or a large garden, you are nurturing and taking care of a living things. Taking loving care of living things will bring you serenity and pleasure.
Does one thing appeal to you more than another? If so, then your mind is separated. Keep your mind free of divisions and distinctions. When your mind is detached, simple and quiet, then all things exist in harmony. This way you begin to perceive the subtle truth.
We must not protest or revolt because something is wrong, but more important, if we want to establish a new system or better order, we must engage people of great ability to do so. The key is to respect the wise and virtuous persons and rely on them to establish the new way.
Quote: Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.