Water above – Lake below
The Chinese name of this hexagram is Jie which has more than one meaning. Originally it referred to a joint within the stalk of a bamboo plant which carries the idea of regular increments within its growth. These joints (like the visible growth rings within trees) invoke the concept of measurements. When something is measured, it sets a boundary, limit or restriction. Other names for this hexagram are: Limitation, Restraint, Restricting, Boundaries. The ancient diviners knew that anything which seeks to grow in a viable manner needs the principles of limitation for a variety of reasons. For example, it is vital to know what our individual limits are so we do not inadvertently exceed them and cause harm.
Breaking down the symbolism of the 3-line trigrams helps with understanding the ancient teachings:

When trigram Lake is below (the bottom 3 lines in image below right), it references the inner realm of the person or situation. Although Lake (also known as Marsh) is water, it has defined limits. If there is too much water, the banks overflow and flooding occurs. Too little water causes the Lake to dry up and drought conditions are just as harmful. Lake, in this hexagram, becomes symbolic of the need to regulate by setting limits.
Trigram Water is on top of trigram Lake as seen in the top 3 lines of the image (below right). Water holds the patterns by which life differentiates itself into individual creatures and creations. When an individual is formed, limits are set and these are measurable, so we can recognize them. Water is also dangerous, according to the ancients, because if one does not work with natural law in guiding its regulation, water will find a way around it – by flooding or drought.
The ancient ideograph is on the upper left portion of the image below. The original meaning of the word Jie Is shown within the ideograph. Two bamboo leaves are shown at the top, the left shows a grain seed which is sprouting and has roots, and a sickle is shown on the right. Defining boundaries between things in life makes it more intelligible. The sound of the character below the bamboo is “ji”, which means immediately – introducing the idea of limitation – in this case as a time restraint.

In summary: The circumstances or situations to which this hexagram applies are most often those which will “not go away on their own”. Until limits of positive and negative (flooding or drought) are comprehended and adhered to, it is not possible to move through circumstances without risk of incurring too much of one or the other. Water as the external environment indicates that one is working their way through a situation which has some type of peril and unpredictability associated with it. Lake as the internal environment shows an attitude of openness to others and the cheerfulness necessary to the implementation of regulation. One of Lake’s assets lies in working with others by influencing and being influenced within the guidelines and laws of social interaction. This way the Limits that are set have a chance to work because they have taken this into consideration and therefore are not too harsh or too lax.
Following are a few ideas for interpretations of each line:
Line 1 – When confronted with limitation placed in your path, stop and use discretion, even though that may be counter to your impulse. Let go of trying to control the situation, take the time to re-order and make your own plan clear and within the scope of your abilities/values.
Line 2 – Too many limits are as bad as not enough. In this case, you may be cutting yourself off from others or from new and different opportunities. A widening of your horizons is called for at this time.
Line 3 – You may be experiencing some limitations and they may feel incomprehensible. When you step back and allow things to become clearer, you may find that a lack of restraint on your own part may be responsible. Accepting responsibility and following up with corrective behavior assures this type of mistake will not be repeated.
Line 4 – It is suggested and possible to have a contentment and even joy as you experience limitations in your life. Look for the ways limits can provide you with stability as well as reduce drains on your energy.
Line 5 – It is quite possible others will seek you out as a mentor or follow your example because they see how you embrace and utilize the restrictions within your own situation. Even if it does not happen right away, your efforts in this regard will meet with success.
Line 6 – The situation you are in at this time may have restrictions and limitations which are more severe than they need to be (and therefore are not sustainable). Pushing yourself or others too hard meets with oppression and inhibits growth. A re-evaluation can show where you need to lighten up.