Caring for things, in moments of appreciation, in moments of gratitude and letting go of holding onto ourselves will start to awaken our heart. Whenever we connect with sorrow or joy, dropping our resentments and complaints will help us to awaken further.
Imagine your heart center is a crimson child within us. It is hard to bring out this child, as we have built up many defenses against it. This child represents the time when our energies were whole and our hearts were untroubled by the duplicity of the world and ourselves.
The natural thing to do is to nourish your community with a benevolent heart. Be simple and generous, don’t try to control, don’t compare, don’t compete, be content with just being who you are. This way everybody will respect you.
It is an incentive for you when good starts to prevail to join the upward trend, but don’t be carried away by the current of the time. We must adhere to what is right, and be aware that everything is transitory, because descent must follow every rise. This is a natural law.
Quote: The trouble ain’t that people are ignorant. It’s that they know so much that ain’t so.