What we habitually regard as obstacles are not really our enemies, but rather our friends. What we call obstacles is the way the world and our experiences teach us where we are stuck. How we experience obstacles depends on our relationship with ourselves.
Determine a pattern for your life, this pattern should be simple and consistent. Accept what comes to you, and that which does not come to you should be of no concern of yours. Do not do things that are not natural to do, simply be content with who you are.
Live your life in harmony with the way things are. Surrender all concepts, judgements, and desires. Then your mind will grow naturally more compassionate, and you will find in your experiences the central truths and the art of living well.
What has been spoiled by man’s fault can be made good through man’s work. Once we know the causes of decay, we must not recoil from working diligently on them even if it is difficult. We must work tirelessly towards improving conditions in the world.
Quote: In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.