Use the moments, days, years of your life to become wiser and more at home in the world by paying attention to what is happening right now. We can aspire to be kind, to relax, and to open our heart to what is right in front of us, right at this moment.
On certain days, we seem to come to our limits, our tolerance for a situation ends. These are the points when our entire lives pivot and turns towards a new phase and it is right, we take advantage of it. This is why you must engage life fully and maintain your pace.
Settle your mind like the universe settles the stars in the night sky. Connecting your mind to this subtle origin it will become calm, and then it naturally expands. Ultimately your mind becomes as vast and immeasurable as the night sky.
In an unstable situation if you are humble and gentle, you are able to gain peoples support and trust. The ancients believed that humility and gentleness were the basic moral qualities that you should possess, but they do not equate with inferiority or weakness.
Quote: Search with your heart, not your mind.