We have to befriend the elemental struggle with our feeling of being wrong, with our guilt and shame at what we are. We can dissolve this sense of dualism by moving toward what we find difficult and wish to push away.
It is quite common for people that have a spiritual experience to want to go out and talk about their experiences. This social interaction will only cause contradictions with your spirituality. We must simply just enjoy the experience of our awakening.
The ancients asked us to transcend every false premise of our culture and be reborn in the form of our essential humanity which needs no test of performance, wealth, or achievements to validate itself.
If we are to lead others, we first must learn to serve. We must remain accessible and responsive to the views of those we lead. At the same time, we must have firm principles so that we do not vacillate when there is only a question of current opinion.
Quote: Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.