Our self-cultivation practice is not about accomplishing anything but ceasing to struggle and to relax as it is. Relax and let go in your self cultivation practice, whatever it may be and this same attitude will spread to the rest of your life.
We must learn skill and ethics thoroughly; we must come to embody them so completely that they become subconscious. Reacting to a situation by asking what is right or wrong is to slow; you must do intuitively what is correct.
The ancients asked us to transcend every false premise of our culture and be reborn in the form of our essential humanity which needs no test of performance, wealth, or achievements to validate itself.
If we wish to know what a person is like we need only to observe on whom he bestows his care and what side of his own nature, he cultivates and nourishes. If we want to take care of the world, cultivate and nourish the good parts of your character and the world changes with you.
Quote: Voyager, there are no bridges; one builds them as one walks.