Emotional turmoil begins with an initial perception of a sight, sound or thought, which leads to a feeling of discomfort. When you feel that initial tug remain steady, practice relaxing into the energy you feel, stay present with the experience.
You may receive impulses or visions, but what you want to do is enter a state of consciousness. Rather than explore mystical states, the eventual object is to transcend all enslavement to perception. Only then you will be able to adequately judge reality.
Never hoard anything. Share your possessions. The more you share, the greater your abundance. The more you do for others, the happier you will be because you are doing it for yourself. The less you hold on to, the easier it is to give yourself to others.
When your work has ended, look back on your conduct and the consequences of your actions. If the effects were good, then good fortune will be the result. It is only by the consequences of your actions and the fruit of your labors that you can judge what to expect.
Quote: For the benefit of the flowers, we water the thorns too. – Egyptian Proverb