Others will show you where you are stuck. They say or do something and you automatically react in your familiar ways of shutting down or getting worked up. This gives you a chance to see your patterns and work with them, being honest and compassionate with yourself.
When we are in the midst of our own confrontations, we need to reach deep within using the utmost of our abilities to find the power required to overcome our obstacles. By doing so it will give us the confidence and facility to handle future problems.
When we think we know the answers we are difficult to guide. When we realize we don’t know, it becomes easy to find our way. By keeping your mind open you become aware of numerous possibilities. The ancients taught of the supreme value of “Don’t-know Mind”.
When you are dealing with a new situation adopt a cautious heart and mind, rather than expecting success right away. Taking action will bring success, and it is tempting to try to enhance this success, but the wise person keeps calm and remains at ease.
Quote: Contentment cannot be held in the hand but lives perpetually in the heart.