Some say our journey is up the mountain, but in reality, the mountain points down. Instead of transcending suffering, we should explore the unpredictability of insecurity and pain. This will awaken us from fear and there we will discover the love and compassion that will not die.
We must discover the path for ourselves, not merely copying the ways of the past. We must adapt to the times, but it is no excuse for adulteration or shortcuts. Once we find the true path of today, we must walk it with the same determination as the ancients.
Make no one a foe, then harmony and tranquility will be yours. If we rule ourselves with felicity, then everyone gains and we can all live in simplicity. Let go of desire for the common good and good will be as common as grass and the world will in turn govern itself.
If you have opposition do not proceed to brusquely, limit yourself to producing gradual effects in small matters. Opposition can represent polarity, which is useful and can be important, such as day and night, nature and spirit. Through this kind of opposition order is brought into the world.
Quote: Things never happen the same way twice.