Self-importance hurts us, limiting our world to likes and dislikes. We can either question our beliefs or not. Either we accept our fixed version of reality or we begin to challenge it. When we train in staying open and curious, dissolving our assumptions and beliefs is the best use of our lives.
If you are walking the same path as another person, walk it together as long as you can, but when you must part do not hold your companion back. We may understand why a companion must leave, but do not deny your feelings as you walk on alone.
Discover your truth, then you will realize the world is perfect as it is and it can’t be improved. See things as they are without trying to control them, let things go their own way. If we treat our planet with care and love, we will be in synchronicity with ourselves.
If we wish to know what a person is like, we need only to observe on whom he bestows his care and what side of his own nature he cultivates and nourishes. If we want to take care of the world, cultivate and nourish the good parts of your character and the world changes with you.
Quote: Pay attention to nature.