Make friends with your emotions, be more attentive, get to know them better. To dissolve their power, use your wholehearted intelligent attention, this will help you stay steady and then you will discover their insubstantial nature.
There are three things we need from life: sound health, a way through the bewilderment of life and liberation from all our fears. Following the ancient teachings, you will find a source of sustenance. Once you taste it, all doubts will fade and life will be easier.
To cleanse oneself of contaminations, such as anger or self-absorption, practice undiscriminating virtue. To practice virtue, give without limitations, without prejudice and without expectations. If your willingness to give is limited, so is your ability to receive.
Watching the cycles of the seasons we know that change is constant as is the change from favorable to unfavorable times and vice versa. In unfavorable times restrain yourself with the practice of virtue. In other words, do not become attached to success.
Quote: Into each life some rain must fall.