When we feel inadequate or unworthy, we want to hold on to what we have and are afraid of feeling worse than we do already. When we can start to let go and relax, we move past this poverty of holding on to things, both physical and mentally.
Worry is an addiction that interferes with compassion. Keep walking your path, changing what you can; the rest must be dissolved in compassion. Taking care of yourself and doing good for those you meet is enough, that is compassion.
The world we live in takes great courage and patience. Giving your talents and resources to the world without restraint, the barriers of individuality breakdown. You then become one with the receiver and both become the giver.
The words and deeds of the past can be used to strengthen and elevate your character. When you study the past, do not confine yourself to knowledge of history, but apply that knowledge to give actuality to the past.
Quote: Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.
The message, as always, is strong and needed. Worry takes so much energy and strength away from what is truly important. Thank you so much for this wonderful post.