Do not cause harm to yourself or others by being aggressive through your actions, speech or thoughts. We cause harm to ourselves by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.
The laughter of children is uplifting; their sounds evoke the ideal of a simple and pure act. There are no concepts, no ideologies, only the innocent pleasure of life. The optimism of children will continue to resonate with cheer and hope for us all.
Self-cultivation involves the holistic integration of mind, body and spirit, this way you achieve unity within and without. When we emphasize just the body with the exclusion of mind or spirit, we are not balanced and this leads to exhaustion.
If we are to lead others we first must learn to serve. We must remain accessible and responsive to the views of those we lead. At the same time, we must have firm principles so that we do not vacillate when there is only a question of current opinion.
Quote: Understanding human needs is half the job of meeting them.