The yearly journey of the Sun forms the foundational touchstone of ancient astrology. This transitional time represents a continuation of the theme of seasonal alternation between light and darkness in the northern hemisphere.
In Aquarius, which typically begins around January 20th, we are tracking the movement of the Sun within the dark half of the year (autumn through winter to spring). Having turned the corner at the darkest of the dark during the Winter solstice, light is now on the rise but darkness is still more potent. The emerging vision highlights Aquarian interest in a brighter future filled with innovation. An essential, but tricky endeavor.
Being in the dark and knowingly heading for the light confers a sense of progression; growing anticipation about leaving the past behind, moving beyond the status quo. Within this image the archetype of polarity emerges – past vs. future. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, a planet which rules oppositions (polarities) in ancient astrology.

Although a vital and integral component of life as we know it, confronting oppositions such as “past vs future” means having an opinion. It is common within the human experience to defend ones’ own opinions and reject others. When ego and pride take over there can be hatred, fighting and alienation. Most especially troubling is when polarized ideals take over to such an extent that people use them as justification for controlling others by force. Another part of this archetype is also familiar: “who is on the inside vs. who is on the outside.”
When we look for answers from the originators of Astrology we may be reminded of phrases such as those seen in our Daily Posts on this website. Sometimes writings of ancient wisdom appear to conflict with each other until you realize they are intended for contemplation, to open the mind to natural universal truths. After contemplation it is easier to apply them prescriptively to individual circumstances. The same holds true when dealing with understanding their wisdom dealing with the Aquarian transitional dynamics.

Guidance for dealing with opposing ideals were addressed to individuals by ancient astrologers in their texts, but they also wrote generalized observations as follows: These astrologers noted future-ideals are often advanced with Aquarian strength in a single-minded way. The gift of strength, however, may turn unintentionally ruthless if not checked. Also, ideals are not yet reality. Because ideals are not yet existing in physical form, it can be difficult to take human limitations/frailties into account. Further, the very existence of opposites implies trying to achieve balance or lasting equality in some situations is not possible. Other methods must be employed, such as sharing or compromise.
Astrologers, among many other originating schools of wisdom, took a much longer view of the cyclical nature of life after thousands of years of collective observation. They point to cycles of light and dark alternating throughout the ages, implying “progress” is not a straight line and they also note that regression is always part of the cycle.
In conclusion, as we traverse this period in the yearly solar journey, we hope you have the opportunity to focus on the early astrologers’ observations and contemplate how they may fit into the individual circumstances of your life experience.