Our reaction to suffering is usually habitual; we feel cheated or resentful. Recognize suffering as suffering, then you can be curious and mindful of your reactions. We can then see without judgement and with intention, we can start to clean up our act.
You will know when your life verges on decadence, when the force of form becomes more important than the force of substance. When gratifying your desires becomes more important than giving to others. When you smell these things happening, you are not far from decadence.
Some say it is useless to accept responsibility for the calamities and toxicities of the world. Taking such responsibility might just lead us on the road of living a more joyful and abundant life. Remember truth often masquerades as falsity and falsity as truth.
Look back on your conduct and its consequence. If the effects were good, then good fortune results. It is only by the consequences of your actions and the fruit of your labors that you can judge what to expect.
Quote: Economics is about human relationships. Gregg Braden