Fully acknowledge your sadness and the sadness of life, but do not be consumed by it. Remember your true nature of balance and completeness, joining vision with practicality. The quality of being continuously awake will help you remember who you really are.
There is unhappiness in this existence, it is part of the overall field of negativity. There are many positive things in life, spirituality being foremost among them. So when you practice your spirituality let it be with gladness and joy.
Any fragment of the mind apart from heart, spirit, human community and the natural law of the universe is going against your own true nature. Cleanse yourself of all the cobwebs and cluttered fragments that paralyze the mind, this way you function as your own holistic healer.
Fixing your eyes more closely on your responsibilities may appear petty to the outside world, but if you are conscientious in your actions and simple in your expenditures, in comparison to others you will stand out as exceptional.
Quote: The only truth in this world is this moment.