In the world of hope and fear we always want to change something, because something is getting uneasy. Hope and fear come as a sense that we lack something, we are unable to sit, relax and be ourselves. If we hold on to hope it robs us of the present moment.
We take up many activities to make ourselves happy, but to awaken we must receive a spark from someone to ignite us. Once you find your passion, whatever it may be, pass on that spark to others. There are many people who seek guidance and if you are in a position to give it you must do so.
If you want to become a better person, study that which serves the nature of life and then offer it to the world. If you study with devotion and do so wholeheartedly, everything in your life will reflect this practice.
When you undertake an enterprise in extraordinary times, you need to be very cautious, this caution may seem exaggerated, but this is not a mistake. Exceptional enterprises will not succeed unless the utmost caution is taken at the beginning and laying of the foundation. Once you have a firm foundation the rest of the enterprise will fall into place.
Quote: Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.