
Ancient wisdom remains invaluable to daily life. That’s the main reason our website gives ongoing suggestions such as adopting the ancient practice of daily self-cultivation. One of the toughest parts of this practice for many people is maintaining consistency. We looked into the concept a little more to see what modern wisdom has to say.
One dictionary definition of consistency is: “the quality of always behaving or performing in a similar way, or of always happening in a similar way”. A behavioral research team saw it as: “the act of compliance with one’s own belief, actions, statements, self-concept and self-presentation”.
People who study stumbling blocks to consistency seem to be in general agreement about what they are. Confusing consistency with intensity is a common one because intensity is almost impossible to sustain on a daily basis. A good example can be found in the efforts of caring for your teeth. Intensity would involve going to the dentist while consistency involves the few minutes a day brushing and flossing.

Another block is relying on motivation. You don’t have to feel like doing something to still do it. Motivation is a wonderful starting place but it won’t carry you through. The funny thing is that persisting, even when you don’t feel like doing something you’ve committed to, can actually build motivation.
Some people get stuck on the idea of all-or-nothing. Consistency in daily practice is more successful when discipline is balanced with flexibility. Hexagram 32 of the I Ching provides some wonderful insight into achieving this balance in all areas of life. Here is the link: Duration…32

Our modern scientists have weighed in by concluding the brain networks really do become rewired when a consistent activity is maintained over time. One advantage, without going into the medical detail, is brain processing power previously taken up in decision making is freed up for other pursuits.
It has been proven that for most of us consistency increases stability, reduces anxiety and increases self-control – all which contribute to a happier and more contented existence. Studies have also concluded that consistency goes deep – developing it changes how you think about yourself. When you do the things you told yourself you’d do, you build self-trust and once you have it, you’re not going to want to lose it.

We asked a person whose conscious practice of daily self-cultivation successfully spans many years for some thoughts on consistency:
“Being consistent with your actions and speech lets others know what they can expect of you. If you are consistent, others can rely on you to act and do things in a certain way at certain times. You might even try being consistent with your thoughts. If your thoughts are ones of loving kindness towards others you will receive the same back.
Don’t confuse consistency with habits, because consistency should be a conscious action whereas habits are generally unconscious. Habits and your reactions to things can become consistent if you live in the present moment and are aware of them. Even when making a cup of tea, be aware of being consistent in the way you do it.
In your self-cultivation practice you need to be as consistent as possible, then you will notice changes in your body and the way your practice is changing. Just going through the motions at a certain time every day and not being consistent in your thoughts and focusing on it, defeats a lot of the purpose of your practice. Daydreaming in life takes away your ability to be consistent in any meaningful way.
Being consistent will enable you to look at change as a learning experience rather than as a disruption in your life. Being consistent in your actions, speech and thoughts will enable you to be present most of the time and live a life in harmony with others and nature.“

There are times when the burden of doing something outweighs the joy. Ancient and modern wisdom agree, if this happens, re-evaluate. For example, if your daily practice is really not working, try different approaches until you find one where the joy outweighs the burden.
Progress can seem minimal over a long period with daily practice but the yield over time is like compound interest: the more consistency, the more progress until there are significant changes. As C.S. Lewis wrote: “Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different”.