Notice your opinions. If you are aggressive about your opinions, notice that; if you are nonaggressive, notice that. By cultivating a mind that does not grasp at right and wrong, you will find a fresh state of being, the ultimate cessation of suffering comes from that.
Accept what comes your way without doubt and without fear of it. Trust your inner knowing, this knowing will never betray you, such trust will dissolve all fear and regret. This trust and knowing is all you need to resolve all inner and outer conflicts you may have.
When a simple natural way of living was forgotten, knowledge and teachers appeared, hypocrisy was inevitable. When family relationships lost their harmony, filial piety and parental affection became the norm. When a society succumbs to chaos and corruption, patriotism is born.
Virtue is the root of being human, so it should be a joy to practice and cultivate it continuously. Joy is what makes virtue harmonious, virtue is that which completes joy. If we create enjoyment without virtue this creates problems. When virtue and joy coincide, this is called true happiness.
Quote: Life is what you do, by what is done to you.