Being satisfied with what we already have is the key to being alive in a full, unrestricted, and inspiring way. Wake up, become more alert and curious about yourself. Being who we are rather than trying to change and improve ourselves is all right, just be. Any wisdom that exists, exists in what we already have.
By withdrawing into the sanctity of our souls, we can know ourselves. This effort cannot be accomplished by others. It can only be accomplished through living and engaging in ongoing contemplation. Only we can enter this core of our being that reveals the secrets of life.
If you want to lead people keep your words in harmony with your actions. Doing this the people you lead will feel a sense of accomplishment, because you have become part of those you lead. You blend so naturally with them they will feel they did the task by themselves.
When unfriendly forces are advancing, retreat is the right course of action. We are not running away, but are offering some resistance, while planning for the time when the aggressive forces end. Anger and hate are not resistance, all resistance must be done in a thoughtful and considerate way.
Quote: Only through contemplation and quietness does true intuition arise.