We cannot connect with the fundamental wealth of who we are as long as we are buying into the advertisement hype that we have to be someone else, that we have to smell different, or look different. Connect to your wealth by sharing your feelings of who you really are with others.
There is no such thing as objectivity or direct knowledge of the world. Everything is relative because each of us has our own vantage point. As long as we have different perspectives, as long as perception relies on the senses, there cannot be an absolute truth.
Settle your mind like the universe settles the stars in the night sky. Connecting your mind to that subtle origin it will become calm and tranquil, then it will naturally expand, and ultimately your mind becomes as vast and immeasurable as the night sky.
A person must be firm and flexible in order to manage one’s affairs successfully. If your actions are too firm, you will be met by resistance and nothing can be accomplished. If you are too flexible you can damage your own self. Learning the balance between both will insure harmony.
Quote: Be yourself everyone else is taken. Oscar Wild