When others have problems, let them be, do not give advice or try to solve their problems for them. If they ask you for support, listen attentively, you will find this to be the most help you can give them. They know their problems best and usually will come up with a solution on their own.
If we feel out of sorts, it could be a variety of things: something that we ate, our mind is upset, or some external event. Look at the way you are eating, your mind with its habits, your outer environment or social change, then arrange your life so that it comes back into balance.
There is no need to seek external deities or seek power over nature and others. Become co-creators with all others creating the great process of life. Be constantly aware of all that is happening to you and around you by entering into harmony with nature.
Only a collective moral force can unite the world, such times of unification will leave great achievements. Problems usually come because of unexpected events against which we are not forewarned. To achieve great things, prepare for unforeseen events or unexpected change.
Quote: Practice not knowing and be curious.