What we regard as obstacles are not really our enemies but could be considered our teachers and friends. What we call obstacles is the way our experiences teach us where we are stuck. How we experience obstacles depends mostly on our relationship with ourselves.
There are no secrets to life. Before we can grasp life as it really is we must overcome sentiment and fear. To overcome fear, seek knowledge of what we fear. Knowing fear is the way to defeat it and will get us closer to the truth and part the curtain completely.
If you blame someone else for your failures, there is no end to the blaming. The wise see failure as an opportunity to learn and accept all responsibility for their mistakes. Fulfill your own obligations, correct all your mistakes, do what you need to do without demanding from others.
During the process of development, progress frequently comes to a standstill. There might be an obstruction owing to one’s lack of experience or from exterior circumstances. In this situation store up your energy, preparing for your next move but remain calm and truthful.
Quote: When an archer misses the mark, he seeks the reason for his failure within himself.