Being alone is usually something we choose not to invite in, we desire to escape it and find someone to keep us company. Try having a relaxed, even curious relationship with loneliness, this can help us discover things about ourselves and begin to enjoy ourselves more.
We want to utilize all parts of our being, body, mind, and spirit, when we do our self-cultivation practice. Once you awaken your energy through this practice, you will produce a state of being and understanding of life, rather than just a mere intellectual understanding of it.
To save the world, develop an awareness of the subtle truths, calm your mind, follow the ancient teachings, merge your virtue with the universal virtue and extend it to the world without expectations of reward. This way you will be in harmony with the universe.
Generally, when something is complete, we let the success turn our heads and look for something else to do. When something is complete, we should guide its course to the start of another new achievement, this way the first achievement will not start to decay or decline.
Quote: Accept and love yourself unconditionally.