A day to reflect on the year just past and make plans for the year ahead. Making resolutions and promises to yourself to do better things for your well-being, the well-being of others and the planet.
We might want to write down promises we have made and put them in a place that we can look at them every day to enjoy the success of the previous day or to remind yourself of goals you have set. Maybe you will have very specific goals or time goals, so you can daily check your progress or lack thereof. It seems to work best if you write down your progress in a special diary that you keep for this purpose only.
If you start to drift back into your old habitual ways for a day, don’t be upset with yourself. Just start again and again if necessary, remembering even a little progress will give you a sense of accomplishment. Help others on their path and to fulfill the promises they made for themselves and give them encouragement. Maybe you have a common goal, so make a friendly competition out of it. If you appear to be doing better than your friend, never boast. If they are doing better, just keep giving encouragement to others.
We are constantly changing our web site so that we can learn new things and find new ways to practice the ancient teachings. The constant repetition of the teachings, through the daily post and articles, helps us embody the teachings into our daily life. Over the last year we have produced a number of videos, added articles and many plants from our Flower Power series to our website. You are still able to find answers to questions that you may have by going to “Get your free I Ching reading” on our website or at the bottom of each of the daily newsletters. Try it and see what answer you get.
We at Proceeding Until Apprehended/A Time to Contemplate will continue to give you words of wisdom from the ancients each day this year to help you and ourselves stay on the paths we have chosen. Bringing the teachings into our everyday life gives us the opportunity to help others and live a more peaceful and balanced life.