Do not shut anyone out of your heart and don’t make the other into an enemy. If we live like this, we can’t make things right or wrong anymore. Everything is ambiguous, there are as many different takes on any situation as there are people involved.
Through our life we have failures, humiliation, and acquire scars from injuries, both physical and emotional trauma. Healing is up to us and the method we use to heal is up to us alone. Through our own positive practices that we do on a regular basis do we learn how to heal.
Realize and admit when you make a mistake, then set about correcting it. Consider a person who points out your faults as your most benevolent teacher. Think of your enemy as the shadow you cast. Do not meddle in the affairs of others, and you will be a light to all.
If a species in nature dominates others, the resulting imbalance destroys habitats for all. The same situation occurs when one person or group tries to use power over others. Learning to live a balanced life, while taking others into consideration, means walking a path of humility and integrity.
Quote: You can only succeed with one thing at a time.