We cannot blame our problems or the world’s problems on others, its something we can come to know in ourselves. The more we make friends with ourselves we will see our mistaken thinking that the way to happiness is to blame somebody else for our problems.
The key to understanding is within ourselves. We are taught to accept only the tangible, the scientific, and the material, but the key to understanding everything we need is the practice of contemplation and meditation, establishing a connection with those deeper aspects of ourselves and the universe.
Nothing is better than moderation. Only those who are moderate can prepare in advance; by preparing in advance, you accumulate a reserve. If you create a reserve, you can overcome all obstacles, once you have overcome all obstacles you have no limits.
When you feel stuck, cooperation with others on a common goal and, with concentration on the goal, will help you dissolve your barriers. If you are free of all selfish exterior motives and are united in this joint task or goal, this can also dissolve the hardness of egotism.
Quote: Illuminate the darkness of ignorance, but do not blind.