When you fear something, you become unnerved and usually do what it tells you to do. Listen to it, even respect or be convinced of it, but if you don’t do what it tells you to do it has no power over you, and in this way, you defeat what you are fearful of.
We must not accept the judgement of others as a measure of our own self-worth. We all have flaws, but we can use them according to our own judgement and a guide for our own self-cultivation. This gives us a chance to live without interference and express our own individuality.
When we emphasize just the body in self-cultivation, with the exclusion of mind or spirit, we are not balanced and this leads to exhaustion. Self-cultivation involves the holistic integration of mind, body and spirit; in this way you achieve unity within and without.
The beginning of all things lies still in the form of ideas that have yet to become manifest. We have the creative power to lend form to these archetypes of ideas. Once you see causes and effects with clarity, you will have success in giving actuality to your ideas.
Quote: Nature regulates itself, without any need of our bright ideas.