When we are treated as something special, we think we are a big deal. Then the same person treats someone else special and ignores you, you feel insulted and humiliated. The idea is to live humbly and if rewarded accept it, and when not, accept things the same way.
You cultivate skills as you go through life, maybe in your work, in the arts, or in competition. Self-cultivation and learning for any reason are not merely for the acquisition and practice of skills, it is a path to your innermost being and understanding of self.
Our intuition must be our main guide in life; you have an inner knowing, use it. If you cultivate it, you will be genuine and you will come to know others by what you do yourself. Seek out what links your mind with the universal mind, by doing so you will help all beings.
Stick to the truth and let all things take their natural course. Do not anticipate the future or dwell on your past actions but look at what you’re planning to do and what you accomplished and ask yourself is what I did good for humanity or is what I am planning to do good for humanity?
Quote: Do not rely on others for your happiness.