We are different from each other; our ideas of social etiquette are different from culture to culture. Rather than criticize each other’s ways or fight over our differences, be curious and strive to understand the other. Doing this we can achieve peace and harmony in the world.
Action must be guided by both intellect and experience. We learn from teachers, elders and others, but knowledge alone is not enough; we must also test what we learn in the world. It is not enough to have theoretical knowing; we need both to be live fully.
We cannot attain clarity and simplicity by avoiding the world. Do your work, take care of others, practice virtue without expecting any reward. When you understand the higher truths retain an ordinary manner, this is true clarity, true simplicity, true living.
An enthusiastic delightful mood is helpful to your success but gives warning against self-satisfaction. It is easy to indulge in one’s own pleasure and forget the delight of others. The key is humility and sincerity; these two qualities bring harmony, the true meaning of delight.
Quote: Thanks for everything I have no complaints whatsoever.