Practice opening up to whatever you feel rather than shutting down on yourself, by doing this something will shift permanently in us. We will find that our habitual patterns will begin to soften, and we will begin to see the faces and hear the words of people who are talking to us.
We see activities only as obligations and we often strain against our fate. But there is a joy to working and doing things in harmony with the proper time. When we do things at just the right occasion and those efforts bear fruit later, the gratification is tremendous.
In ancient times people lived holistic lives, if an invention appeared they looked for the problems it might cause, as well as the shortcuts it offered. They valued old ways that had been proven effective as well as new ways, if they could be proven effective.
In society conflicts are unavoidable, sometimes you have to give up your own interests and ideas to chime in with others but continue to do what you intuitively know is right. However, you must adapt to the demands of the time rather than wear yourself out resisting.
Quote: When you perceive an act done to another is done to yourself, you have understood a great truth.