Joy comes from our growing appreciation of our basic goodness. We can cultivate this joy by staying present, train in being mindful, and unconditional friendliness. Stay with your own little plot of earth and trust that it can be cultivated to its full potential.
Things cannot remain in stillness, storms and acts of nature may destroy some things, but they also prepare the way for new life. As one thing is destroyed this makes room for new things to emerge and begin their own cycle. All growth and all things have their own natural cycle.
It is a universal law that what you say and do determines what happens in your life. Recognize that you and this law are one, cultivate yourself in accord with it, bringing moderation to your actions and clarity to your mind. This is a profound simple truth, what you do is what you are.
When you run into an obstruction and don’t know what to do, the best thing to do is to keep still, but this does not mean giving up. You are only yielding to a situation and waiting for a more auspicious time to react. An obstruction that only lasts for a time is useful for self development.
Quote: Anything we do to the world, we do to ourselves.