The continual search for pleasure or security, searching for a more comfortable situation at the domestic or spiritual level, are some of the things that keep us unhappy. We will never have it all together, there is only this moment to live. If you live in the moment, you will find the joy you are seeking.
Influencing others requires perception. We need to know when to act, when to be passive, when others are receptive to us, and when they will not listen. Possibly you need to change yourself. This takes experience of course, so just keep practicing or make a game for yourself out of it.
What good is it to spend your life accumulating material things or conforming your behavior to others conventions? Give yourself up to whatever the moment brings, there is nothing to hold onto. Don’t think about your actions, just let them flow, hold nothing back from life.
If a person or persons are annoying you, sometimes it is best not to engage them, instead retreat with dignity and reserve. When you carry retreat out correctly it is a sign of strength. Through perseverance and single acts of resistance we prepare for the counter movement.
Quote: Never complain to someone who can’t help you with the problem.