In any situation we can find out what is true by studying ourselves, look at all your emotions both the good and the painful, everything. There is a lot of encouragement to do this, and self-cultivation gives us the method. You have to find out for yourself what is true.
All that is good and unique in you should be brought out. Never hold back thinking that you will wait for a better time. The good in you is like the water in a well; the more you draw from it the more freshwater comes in. If you don’t draw from it, the water will only become stagnant.
Embrace simplicity and integrity, consume only the needs of your body and spirit. Allow your love and concern for others to define your essentiality. If this is not enough, stay in your center and let all things take their course, thusly you will benefit a hundredfold.
When you discover you are distancing and alienating yourself from others, you need to set about eliminating that which blocks your way. Rouse yourself inwardly, with moderation and goodwill, hasten to that which supports you, then all occasion for remorse will disappear.
Quote: A good attitude is the number one thing essential to healing.