Our habitual tendency is to struggle with what is happening to us or the world around us. The main point of these teachings is to dissolve this dualistic way of thinking, because everything that happens is workable. We can do this by moving towards difficulties.
Self-cultivation is an endeavor we take up because it is our ultimate mode of being. When we start, we have expectations but usually our practice does not give us the results we expect. However, what we do get is a greater inner understanding of life and ourselves.
Shining the light on yourself will never boost your eminence. Being self-righteous precludes you from being right. Parading yourself parodies leadership. Boasting about yourself will never boost your eminence. Avoid the cultivation of these ego-bloated voids.
It is an incentive for you when good starts to prevail, to join the upward trend, but don’t be carried away by the current of the time. We must adhere to what is right, and be aware that everything is transitory, because descent must follow every rise, this is a natural law.
Quote: Respect all people and treat them equally; this is called equality.