Even the best teachers get angry, jealous, and depressed and, because of that, they can give us guidance that we understand. Teachers are no different than we are but who, through diligent effort, have come to understand themselves by observing their actions and thoughts and the effect they have on others.
We have to consider all things are connected. Although relationships shift and differ for each of us, we must be aware of what connects us and take advantage of that. Relationships are transitory, we must have constant awareness to fit ourselves into these changes.
Reflect whatever appears without judgement, whether it be a flower or a heap of garbage, a criminal or saint. Whatever happens is all right. Treat your own anger or grief just as you would treat an angry or grieving child; with compassion.
In difficult times people need to work together to overcome their difficulties. If there are differences, seek common ground on the major issues while reserving their differences on minor ones. If people deal with others in a spirit of equality, then peace and progress is possible.
Quote: One loses by pride and gains by modesty.