When something hurts in life, we want to get rid of it right away. Doing this, we naively cultivate a subtle aggressiveness against ourselves. Instead, we could aspire to be kind right in the moment, to relax and open our heart and mind to what is right in front of us.
My life will not be the same as yours, we are both individuals with different backgrounds and thoughts, but if we continue immersing ourselves in the natural rhythms of living, we will always be safe and content using this same life force that nurtures and sustains everything.
The subtle truth can be pointed to with words, but it can’t be contained by them. Take time to listen to what is said without words, to obey the law too subtle to be written. Make love with the invisible universe, the subtle origin of the universe, and you will give yourself everything you need.
Talents and abilities are gifts that you possess that have a higher purpose behind them, but they only gain value by what they are used for. The integrity of your gifts will lose their power if you boast about them or become distracted by comparing them to others.
Quote: Answer with kindness when faced with hostility.