Where we are going is unknown, where we have been we can see clearly. The moment-by-moment experience, what is happening right now, is where we are going. This is encouraging because our source of wisdom is whatever is happening to us at this very instant.
Perhaps you are encountering these ancient teachings for the first time, and are trying to harmonize with them, but that isn’t all there is to having a relationship with them. The teachings give us the background and it is up to us to study and practice them.
Attaining virtue is done by self-cultivation and by relinquishing your negative habits and attitudes. With utmost sincerity and living in the real world, extend your virtue to all. Do not become attached to your accomplishments, don’t take credit for anything.
All things change, prosperity is followed by decline. Evil can be checked, but not permanently abolished, it always returns. This idea might produce melancholy but should not, it ought only to keep us from falling into the illusion that when good fortune comes to us, it will not last.
Quote: When I know myself, I know others. When I master myself there is no need to master others.