When we act out or tell someone off there is some relief for the moment, but it doesn’t last. If we surrender and drop the story line, there is tenderness under all that harshness. By being kind to ourselves, we become kind to others, done properly it benefits everybody.
If you live in an urban environment with the noise, the smells, the lack of nature, take time to find a quiet place as close to a natural setting as possible so you can practice quiet cultivation of your mind, body and soul and become more acquainted with the subtle aspects of being.
Do you wish to free yourself of mental and emotional knots? There are two paths available. The first being acceptance, affirm everyone and everything. The second that of denial. Recognize everything you see and think is a falsehood. Both paths lead you to awareness of the great oneness.
Change comes whether one prepares for it or not. It should be noted that making or preparing for change is considered a good practice. Engaging with society and others will help you notice and prepare for changes. Also, it will help you find a way to deal with change and society.
Quote: Relax and let your sense of self expand.