Look for the gaps, that space between thoughts, the natural occurrence after an unexpected noise, shock or moment of awe. Just being present like this introduces us to unshakable confidence. Create these gaps by pausing to look at the sky or to listen intently.
To obtain a state of being and understanding where there are no distinctions, fears or uncertainties, just seek a state of oneness where there is no distinction between us and spirit. We are not subordinate or superior to anything because we are all one.
Living life is easy if you don’t cling to good and bad, let go of preferences and everything will become clear. We cannot remain indifferent to the suffering of the world; we all need to increase our service along with our understanding using our natural attributes of awareness and action.
Human society should hold together through common interests that allow each person to feel part of the whole. What is required is that we unite with others. This is accomplished by sincerity in forming relationships with a common goal and working together towards that goal.
Quote: If you do not go within, you go without.