If we look for that soft heart we guard so carefully, we can’t find it, all we find is a kind of tenderness with some sadness. This sadness is not about somebody mistreating us. The sadness is an inherent sadness, unconditional sadness, this is sometimes called “the genuine heart of sadness”.
Poets find great inspiration from places in nature. We too can find inspiration from places in nature, these places can give us untold energy; whether we use this energy for good or bad is up to us. Find time to go out into nature on a regular basis, look for those places that inspire you.
If you want to lead people, keep your words in harmony with your actions. Doing this the people you lead will feel a sense of accomplishment, because you have become part of those you lead. You blend so naturally with them they will feel they did the task by themselves.
Strive to be inwardly strong, not outwardly aggressive. Though there may be danger in your environment there will be no danger in your heart. In this way one may transmute that temperament and not remain in the clamor of the realm of right and wrong.
Quote: Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought.