At the beginning joy is just a feeling that our own situation is workable. Joy comes from our growing appreciation of our basic goodness. We can cultivate this joy by staying present, training in being mindful and unconditional friendliness. Finding happiness that is completely devoid of clinging and craving.
If you ever doubt life, you just need to spend some time in nature and admire the diversity. Everywhere you look there is some dynamic event in progress. We cannot comprehend the diversity of nature or life, just let both take their variegated course. Variety is vitality.
Embrace simplicity and integrity, consume only the needs of your body and spirit. Allow your love and concern for others to define your essentiality. If this is not enough, stay in your center and let all things take their course, thusly you will benefit a hundredfold.
Any development to be successful must proceed gradually and be allowed to take its course, being hasty would not be wise. Penetrating gentleness is the outer form that should proceed from inner calm; along with perseverance this prevents slow progress from dwindling into nothing.
Quote: Compassion is a sustained and practical determination to do whatever is possible to alleviate suffering, yours and others.