Pay attention to the details of ordinary, everyday things. By doing this we are expressing appreciation and friendship toward ourselves and toward the living quality that is found in everything. This combination of mindfulness and appreciation connects us fully with reality and brings us joy.
We need to be patient and let things happen in their own time. It requires patience to go with the natural flow of things and to let go of your own fixed ideas of how things should be. Practicing letting things be as they are, you will find a more peaceful and joyful life.
We are taught to distinguish good from evil, agreement from disagreement; this causes us conflict and anger. Having no desires and accepting things as they are will give you peace, but you must share this idea with others, for we are all part of them and they are all part of us.
If one’s strength is great, one can progress and contribute one’s talent to society, but your motivation should be pure. Being too firm in one’s character will lead to difficulties in dealing with society. If you are not firm enough, you will find it difficult to deal with everyday life.
Quote: When knowledge and things interact, likes and dislikes arise.